Любой кофе от Frukt для фильтра (не эспрессо)

Любой кофе от Frukt для фильтра (не эспрессо)

This exciting coffee is produced by Chelbesa Washing Station, together with small coffee growers based around the the village of Chelbesa in Gedeo zone in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia. Chelbesa station is owned by SNAP, local company established to move high quality coffee forward. SNAP selects quality coffee cherries from 476 growers who are living just around Chelbessa village and who each cultivate small plots of land for food products, cash crops and coffee production. For us this coffee stood out with it's vibrant and bright, very fruit forward profile. Bright citric acidity and very fruity yet delicate and aromatic and sweet coffee. Beautiful representation of Ethiopian coffee. We found this coffee to be very bright and juicy. Tasting fruity sweet with notes of citrus and peach with bright citric acidity and really nice aromatics. Producer: Chelbesa Origin: Ethiopia Region: Gedeo, Yirgacheffe Altitude: 1950-2200 Process: Washed Variety: Ethiopian landrace varieties Harvest: November 2022- January 2023 Exporter: SNAP Importer: Belco Taste: Citrus, peach, juicy 250g of whole coffee beans.

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